About Little Star Junior High School
Little Star’s Junior High School, Govind Nagar, Mathura was established in 2009 by Rajesh Sunita Kumari Radhika Singhal Memorial Charitable Trust . The main motive of this school is to provide education and higher education to the children. To all this happen the managing trustee of trust Shri Dinanath Agrawal Ji appointed Smt. Archana saxena as Principal (B.ED), Smt Radha Agarwal as (HOD) and Gita Agrawal as Coordinator. They all together have given good education and motivation to all the students. The managing trustees of trust Shri Dinanath Agrawal has provided english medium recognition to school with his hard work and perseverance, and also helped school whenever required
Smt. Archana Saxena
Principal, B.Ed.
Little Star’s junior High School
Mrs. Radha Agrawal
Little Star’s junior High School
Smt. Gita Agrawal
Little Star’s junior High School
News & Updates
School Reopen SoonSchool will reopen soon after summer vacation.
We are launching our website, please go through this link and know more about school & Society work